Our program runs as a continuous 4 week block, designed for all!
Week one is all about finding strength and explosive power off the mark with a run session that has frequent transitions of slow and fast running between shorter distance or time based intervals.
What is VO2Max? VO2Max is the maximum volume of oxygen your body can process throughout your body during exercise. The higher your VO2Max, the fitter you are.
This session is designed to be interval based.
In the third week of the Fitaz Run Program we are building your endurance, strengthening the mind and body to endure a higher level of effort over a longer sustained period of activity.
Longer doesn’t always mean harder! Your pace and output will be less but you will be asked to maintain and sustain this for a period that would feel uncomfortable but controlled.
The final week of our 4 week run program takes us running on inclines and declines, building strength, power and endurance.
Not all paths and races are flat so it is important to train on terrain and similar elements we would experience at events.
During this session, we will also focus on form and technique when running to maximise your performance through efficiency and movement.